About us
As can be seen by our portfolio of companies, we are an extremely diverse company that designs and launches custom software around the world.
Our business is divided into 2 business models:
Direct software
For those businesses that are already established, we offer custom software solutions backed by extremely competent developers at very competitive prices. We understand risk, security and confidentiality. One of our key clients currently uses our software to underwrite over $4.6 billion in risk and is under 4 years old! Our model revolves around a development fee and a continuing Service Level Agreement that not only gives you guaranteed support, but it also allows you to update and enhance your software without huge costs.
Equity software
Our secondary mandate is to enable small to medium business to launch their concepts with industry leading and innovative software designed specifically for the company at a fraction of the traditional cost of such software. In exchange for the discounted software DSS takes an ownership in the company itself.
Fields of Expertise:
Conceptualisation and innovation
Software needs analysis
Graphic design and branding
Software design and architecture
Software development and support
Secure hosting services as required
Software support and enhancement
Infrastructure creation and networking
Network firewalling and security
Remote assistance and global support